Making the decision to see a counselor is a brave step and for some, can be years in the making. Maybe you’ve experienced a sudden loss or crisis and are now seeking out the help you know you need. Maybe this counseling has been court ordered. Perhaps you’ve been struggling with an addiction that has so entangled you, you don’t even know where to begin. Perhaps you’ve simply reached your breaking point and you know something must change in your life. Whether individual, marriage, or family counseling, here are 5 ways you can get the most out of your counseling ...
About: RobinBarnes
Recent Posts by RobinBarnes
Teaching Kids About Sex and Personal Safety: CCEF Webinar Highlights
This August The Christian Counseling Education Foundation (CCEF) began a new initiative of offering free 1-hour webinars taught by their amazing instructors. I chose to attend the session led by Julie Lowe because I have benefitted much from her articles in the past and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to hear her teach. For many parents, talking with our kids about sex is anxiety producing to say the least. Our parents may not have experienced real talk in their childhoods, let alone “the” talk on the topics of sex and sexuality, leaving many feeling ill equipped to approach the ...
When I Am Afraid: A Step-by-Step Guide Away from Fear and Anxiety [Book Review]
Fear is powerful. It’s something we all experience. It does not discriminate based on age, gender or stage of life. Each of us has something in our lives that causes us varying degrees of fear but what happens when that fear becomes debilitating and life-stealing? Hot Topics In Ed Welch’s study, When I Am Afraid: A Step-By-Step Guide Away From Fear and Anxiety a variety of topics are discussed that cause us to be fearful: Money Death Fear of Man (peer pressure, perfectionism) Heights Crowds Welch begins, Fear is the perfect problem. No doubt it can be paralyzing and painful. When it comes, your ...
The Food and Mood Connection: Insight About Emotional Eating
Do you ever find yourself automatically drawn to junk foods when you’re in a state of increased stress? Do you joke about “comfort food” in order to justify that second trip through the drive-through when you’re feeling down? Do you eat a pan of brownies when feeling lonely? If you can relate to any of these situations then you, like so many of us, are an “emotional eater.” This may not be new news to you, but facing the reality can still be tough. The good news is that there is always hope for change and beginning the journey of ...
Beyond the Silent Burden: Healing for Wives Impacted by Pornography Addiction
There are few things in a marriage that make a woman feel as ashamed and betrayed as a spouse’s affair, pornography addiction or abuse. Although the transgression is not ours, the feelings of shame and embarrassment are strong inside, oftentimes accompanied by an outward pressure to be seen as someone who “has it all together.” You wake up the next morning wishing this wasn’t your new reality, feeling unable to tell anyone else about it. These are the most difficult burdens for a wife to bear, made even more challenging because of the constant temptation to never share what’s going ...
Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms [Book Review]
Let’s face it; whether you have one child or four, parenthood is hard. Sleepless nights, runny noses, a moody or unruly child, challenges beyond our control (did I mention sleepless nights) make it difficult. We know Scripture says that children are blessing from the Lord, but in the reality of our flesh, in our tired weary states of parenting, “blessed” is not always how we feel or think about our children. Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms by Gloria Furman is a refreshing take on the challenges, humor and sanctifying moments of motherhood. Composed with ...
The 5 Most Important Things Moms Should Schedule (hint: Not Play Dates)
This February I gave birth to our fourth son, Riley. Life with a newborn is hard. The sleepless nights, constant feedings, caring for your other children and the basics of everyday life like food and baths require a lot of sacrifice and love. It’s the “I can’t remember the last time I brushed my teeth” kind of tired. This season of life with young children can be daunting and if I’m not careful, I can quickly get overwhelmed and frustrated by focusing on all I haven’t gotten done or am not doing. As I live the day-to-day with our kiddos ...
When You Are the Prodigal
Many of us are familiar with the story of the prodigal son from the book of Luke where Jesus is telling His listeners about two brothers. The younger brother, (the prodigal), decides he wants to do life on his own and that he doesn’t need his dad, just his money, so he can go and live a fun life and do whatever he wants. So the son, having received his inheritance, goes off on his adventure for a lifetime of partying, drinking and sex. Eventually the money and fun run out. He finds himself friendless, homeless and starving, eventually coming ...
When Should I See A Counselor?
We all experience different seasons of life. Sometimes we have good stress, sometimes we have bad stress and what can feel like ever-changing circumstances. We experience the joys of graduation and weddings. Perhaps we have the blessing of the birth of our own child or grandchild. There are also times when we may experience hurt that can surprise us with how deeply it cuts: bullies at school or work, spousal abuse or neglect, etc. We’re more than familiar with life’s ups and downs but how do you know when you should see a counselor? Below are some examples of the ...
Six Marriage Tips for Newlyweds
T his June will be my 12-year wedding anniversary (the picture above is proof). We have been through several career changes, grad school, moves, mission trips and other ministry ventures together besides having our four boys. As I reflect back on twelve years of marriage and fourteen years of being together, here are 6 key ways God has shown us to maintain a happy, intimate and thriving marriage. Talk and then Pray Together Pray separately and together on a regular basis (everyday). Keep a prayer journal together to track the desires of your heart, prayers for each other and those ...
Recent Comments by RobinBarnes
- December 11, 2023 on Holding the Tension of Grief and Gratitude During the Holidays
- January 15, 2023 on Rest is Not a Reward for Productivity
- August 15, 2021 on Teens Aren’t Terrible: Enjoying Relationship with Your Kids Through the Teen Years
- January 17, 2021 on How God Gives Us Biblical Language to Help us in our Suffering: Toward a Biblical Theology of Suffering, Part II
- December 28, 2020 on Suffering: Toward a Biblical Theology of Affliction, Part 1