As the pandemic continues into its third year here in the United States, there is definitely a general sense of weariness and fatigue that you can feel ebbing and flowing throughout our culture. Different generations of the population have been impacted differently as well, but no matter the struggle, these challenges lead us all back to our need for Christ and His hopeful work in our lives. For teens in particular, the pandemic has resulted in an increase in anxiety, isolation and seeking fulfillment and meaning in various places, especially online. What is it teens need to hear right now? What do they need? They need Jesus, just like the adults in their lives.
These three sets of Scripture Cards target some of the key themes of teen spiritual development. Each set captures some of Scripture’s most powerful promises and insights in these areas:
- In Christ: Knowing who we are in Christ and what that means for our lives
- Jesus Understands: Encouragement from Christ’s experiences and his love for us
- God Is: Finding strength in our day from God’s timeless character
Throughout Scripture God used teens to do some pretty awesome works to carry out His plans. Just to name a few, Daniel, Shadrach, Meschach, Abednego, Queen Esther, Mary the mother of Jesus and more. Teens, God is including you in His kingdom work. His Word is for you. His Word that gives life and hope is for you. Therefore, read it. Love it. Memorize it. Share it with others. As He gives you growth opportunities to practice what you are learning, this process is called sanctification or what I like to call the development of spiritual grit.
When you are struggling to find hope or are experiencing doubt, God will remind you of His Word to speak truth into your life that gives hope, peace and assurance.
Download these FREE printable Scripture card packs in the Spiritual Grit shop today!

March 6, 2022
Great idea, Thanks, Robin (and Jon) for doing this.