Daughter of the God Most High, wife to Jon, mom of 5.
As a licensed graduate professional counselor, I am passionate about Christians and those in faith communities working to embrace what it means to care for their mental health. There can be stigma for those in need or want of care for various reasons from these groups. Christ however, knows what it means to suffer betrayal, trauma, and disappointment. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3). He has not left us to suffer alone and speaks words of compassion and love in our suffering. There are many facets to having good mental health which involves the whole person. It is my goal to embody Christlike compassion, empathy, and grace in the counseling room with those I work with, whatever their background.
It is my hope and prayer that this blog helps encourage and equip the body of Christ to serve Him and care for one another well. Thanks for visiting.
What is Spiritual Grit?
Typically, grit is defined as “a demonstration of courage and resolve; strength of character.” But what’s unique about the type of grit we’re called to embrace as followers of Jesus? Spiritual grit is the perseverance Paul mentions time and again in the epistles. This grit is known by other names as well but in the New Testament we see grit called out when hear the words trials, contentment, perseverance, and steadfastness. Ultimately, spiritual grit is joyful everyday dependence on Christ, no matter what, even when it hurts. Through the ups and the downs, the rich times and the poor times, the smooth sailing and the tropical storms, the Grit we embrace as believers is simply the outworking of our relationship with Christ. Though we are pressed on every side, we are not crushed or destroyed because in Christ we are more than conquerors; we have been brought from death to life. This blog is called Spiritual Grit because it explores the topics of counseling, suffering, Christ-following, biblical community and soul care in a practical way. My desire is that it points you to Christ and helps you embrace a high level of “grit” in your own spiritual life.
Contact Robin via email.